Monday, January 02, 2006

President Bush: Modern Teddy Roosevelt?

Although most mainstream green groups with a desk over at the Democratic National Committee will disagree, President Bush could be remembered as one of the top environmental presidents in history. Although he has already passed and implemented numerous innovative environmental policies, we believe his last three years will seal his destiny as a green visionary. Already a rugged, outdoor cowboy, boot wearing, belt-buckle showing, brush clearing pragmatic environmentalist capable of balancing protection of Mother Nature with economic vitality, this Commander-in-Chief will ultimately be considered an icon for global environmental protection.

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 is already the best Kyoto Protocol in the world. By aggressively promoting the building of new nuclear power plants, it is the most aggressive greenhouse gas reduction program being implement by any nation on Earth. We also hope President Bush will introduce an environmental justice bill that has teeth in his second term. And we do not believe he is finished with energy and air policy proposals. President Teddy Roosevelt created the National Park Service and was the object of the 'Teddy Bear' craze. Whereas Teddy was bad on race issues, President Bush is a virtual revolutionary, with the most powerfully diverse administration in U.S. history. President Bush will ultimately be considered to be 'greener' than President Roosevelt.

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