Monday, August 07, 2006

Michael Steele Challenges Environment at Baltimore Sun

FROM THE STEELE WEBSITE: "In 2002, The Sun editorial board concluded that I brought 'little to the team but the color of [my] skin.' And although I have spent my years as Lieutenant Governor chairing the Commission on Quality Education, reforming the state's Minority Business Enterprise program, and promoting policies to reduce crime and protect our environment, their attitude toward me and my campaign has progressed little. I am hopeful that the hiring of a new publisher may help shift The Sun toward listening to the views of all Marylanders.

I also encourage the new publisher to increase diversity among the paper's editors and management staff because they are at the heart of what perpetuates these paternalistic and stereotypical attitudes toward certain politicians and leaders from a certain part of the community... " Sincerely, Michael S. Steele

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