Friday, July 27, 2007

Ike Leggett Pledges To Fight Global Warming

Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett and council have adopted the Cool Counties Climate Stabilization Declaration that was launched at the National Assocaition of Counties annual converntion. The declaration asks the federal government to adopt legislation requiring an 80 percent emissions reduction by 2050 and raising fuel economy standards to 35 miles per gallon within a decade.

The Cool Counties Climate Stabilization Declaration calls on participants to: 1) Create an inventory of county government greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 2) implement GHG reductions recommended by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives Cities for Climate Protection program. 3) Develop a regional plan to reduce GHG emissions. 4) Urge Congress to enact legislation to reduce GHG emissions. (District Chronicles)

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