Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mike Huckabee's Letter To The Editor

We are on the same page with former Arkansas governor (1996-2007) and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on environment, energy and climate change. In a recent (10-30-07) Letter To The Editor, here is what to The Wall Street Journal:

"I believe that we must be good stewards of our environment and support many paths to reducing our emission of greenhouse gases, such as more nuclear power and alternative sources of clean energy. As part of our overall effort, I also support a cap and trade system, which has worked well for reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions. However, I do not agree with those who want all allowances to be auctioned off because I believe that will create too great a burden on businesses. The alternative to cap and trade is a carbon tax, which I don't support."

We agree completely. We really like this Huckabee guy. And it doesn't hurt that he loves the Rolling Stones and plays bass.

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