সোমবার, ডিসেম্বর ৩১, ২০০৭

Goodbye 2007 and Hello 2008: Happy New Year

PRESIDENT'S CORNER. By Norris McDonald. It was a very good year. I traveled to China, Brazil and France. It helped to bolster our operation in Homeland China and we opened an office in Hong Kong. Brazil and France opened new doors for us that we hope to expand upon in 2008. We opened a Midwestern Office based in Evansville, Indiana. Hopefully our feet on the ground will give us standing for implementation of the new energy bill.

My son turns 16 on Jan 3. WOW. Time flies. We hope to open an office in Europe in 2008. Of course I prefer the Yuan to the Euro for obvious reasons. God bless America (and the rest of the world too). I hope you have a very Happy New Year. And don't forget to JOIN AAEA. (Picture hand drawn in Beijing, China)

বৃহস্পতিবার, ডিসেম্বর ২৭, ২০০৭

Political Environment & Green Movement In America

Senator Barack Obama has raised more money than any other presidential candidate but will he be elected president of the United States? His race, more so than his politics, will determine his electability. It is unique to American politics but not unique in American politics. The Washington Post cites the phenomenon:

"Less than 4 percent of the nation's elected officials are black, and 90 percent of them represent predominantly black or predominantly black-and-Hispanic constituencies. Thus, not many black politicians have won elections when the majority of voters were white. Only three black U.S. senators and two black governors have been elected since Reconstruction."
Blacks represent 13% of the U.S. population so Senator Obama represents the exception and not the rule in his powerful run for the top political office in the land. Black Americans navigate through a society that challenges them to fully participate while being hostile to their participation. Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, among others, address this paradigm differently. All are relevant and needed.

The environmental movement has far less African American participation at the policy professional position level than the American political environment. There might not be one policy professional working for any traditional environmental group at the moment. If you're out there let us know. Thus the need for an AAEA, among others, to give voice to the reality that virtually every American city has a black side of town and a white side of town. Yet, the African American community is as American as apple pie.

বুধবার, ডিসেম্বর ২৬, ২০০৭

Keep Producing the Banned CFC Asthma Inhalers

AAEA calls on President Bush and Congress to repeal the ban on CFC asthma inhalers.

As a signatory to the Montreal Protocol, the USA committed to eliminating asthma inhalers that contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) as a propellant because it destroys atmospheric ozone. Of course it is estimated that such inhalers only contribute around 1 percent to that loss. AAEA opposes elimination of the CFC inhalers, left, because the replacements, Hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) inhalers, right, do not work as well. The propellant does not provide the same power. The taste is different, they are more expensive and a very small amount of ethanol is added to the new inhalers. Ethanol is grain alcohol (moonshine) and we also burn it in our cars.

AAEA supports the National Campaign To Save CFC Asthma Inhalers. The 1987 Montreal Protocol required signatory countries to eliminate CFC use by Jan 1, 2006. An 'Essential Use Exemption' was granted for the space shuttle and asthma inhalers, until Jan 1, 2009, when CFC inhalers are banned for medical use and the new HFA inhalers are scheduled to replace them (FDA final rule 21 CFR 2.125). [Hat Tip: Art Abramson, The National Campaign to Save CFC Asthma Inhalers, 415-753-2122]

ABC News Channel 7 Story featuring AAEA President Norris McDonald

Hugo Chavez, Energy & the American Black Community

Hugo Chavez hates President Bush and is working very hard to become a dictator in Venezuela. Venezuelans recently rebuffed his referendum to gain even more power. It will not stop him. Young people have already started protesting against the abuses of his governance. White and Black American liberals have embraced Chavez as a sort of hero even in the face of his abuses at home. Former congressman Joe Kennedy gets cheap fuel oil from Chavez through Citgo and Danny Glover, Cornell West, Harry Belafonte and British model Naomi Campbell have met privately with him. Well Kennedy got a $100 million fuel oil deal and apparently the others got nothing but lip service. Par for the energy course. America gets about 13% of its oil from Venezuela.

So we have a suggestion for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Sell Citgo to an African American entrepreneur. AAEA can suggest excellent buyers for you. Blacks do not own any energy infrastructure in the United States. The big energy companies simply are not inclined to include African Americans as equity partners. So since it appears that Chavez enjoys goosing America through providing cheaper fuel oil through Joe Kennedy's Citizen's Energy, maybe he would get a bigger kick out of empowering an American minority entrepreneur. Divest now President Chavez. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

মঙ্গলবার, ডিসেম্বর ২৫, ২০০৭


PRESIDENT'S CORNER. By Norris McDonald. What does Christmas mean to you? Maybe for an atheist it means the end of the fourth quarter and hopes for our capitalist system to get needed stimulation. Maybe for a pagan it is sorrow for the disturbance of the many Christmas trees. Maybe for the Christian it is the recognition of the birth of Jesus Christ (even though the date is not right). Maybe for the Muslim it is an interesting festival time. Maybe for the Buddhist it is being one with the snowflake or the falling leaf. Maybe for the Hebrew it means still waiting. Maybe for the Hindu it means nothing at all. Ah but for the four year old, it clearly means Santa Claus, Christmas trees and presents.

I tease my 15 year old son now about the great entertainment it provided for me to see his excitement about Santa. The milk and cookies gone in the morning that Santa drank and ate. My son (5 yrs old at the time-1997) is sitting on the lap of Walter Tibbs at the Frederick Douglass house in Highland Beach south of Annapolis, Maryland in the upper left picture. He was first in line and asserted his good behavior and belief that he deserved an X-Man action figure. Ah Christmas. Rest, relaxation and a good time for reflection.

National Harbor Gaylord Resort & Convention Center

AAEA was the only environmental group of any kind to support the National Harbor-based Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center during the planning and approval phases for the site and facility. Not that this will ever be publicized mind you except by us because it happens for our good work most of the time. But AAEA does not allow such 'publicity avoidance' to stop us from continuing to do good work. Here is what The Washington Post said about the project today:

"With an 18-story atrium towering over the banks of the Potomac, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center is reshaping the skyline of Prince George's County. Now the hotel and meeting place, the largest to be built on the Eastern Seaboard, is set to transform the economic terrain of the county, which has struggled for years to lure major employers. Gaylord posted more than 2,000 jobs on its Web site recently."
Prince George's County is the richest majority African American county in the United States and the developers appear to be working in good faith to include minority equity, management participation and employment in this historic project. Although many folk from the majority will groan at describing 'minority participation,' this group is purposely excluded in so many areas (and believe us we know) that it should be publicized when an operation does the right thing. And in that regard, talk to anyone in Prince George's County and they will tell you that project developer Milt Perterson has always tried his best to do the right thing. This county appreciates Mr. Peterson's interest in an area of the region that has been avoided by other developers. Thank you.

শনিবার, ডিসেম্বর ২২, ২০০৭

Nuclear Power Gets Loan Guarantees

The FY 2008 Energy and Water Appropriations bill, contained within the FY 2008 Omnibus Appropriations bill (H.R. 2764) continues the Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program for two more years. The bill contains language directing the Secretary of Energy to provide $38.5 billion in loan guarantees, with a specific requirement that $20.5 billion be provided for nuclear energy, ($18.5 billion for nuclear reactors, $2 billion for uranium enrichment), $10 billion for renewable energy and energy efficiency, $8 billion for clean coal technology.

It is being projected that new nuclear plants will cost as much as $4 billion and will take at least 7 years to construct. The first six plants are being heavily subsidized by the federal government to assure a renaissance of new nuclear power plant construction. The loan guarantees are a very important component of the federal support. Nuclear companies are forming consortia and aggressively competing with each other for these subsidies. Front end construction and operation success will pave the way for the hundreds of nuclear power plants America needs to provide reliable electricity. Will African Americans have a role in this nuclear renaissance?

শুক্রবার, ডিসেম্বর ২১, ২০০৭

Courts Support Global Warming Mitigation

In a Dec 12, 2007 ruling, Federal District Court Judge Anthony Ishii rejected the auto industry's claim that federal fuel economy standards preempted the authority of California and other states to limit global warming pollution from automobiles. Of course, passage of the Energy Independence and Security Act (H.R. 6) of 2007 on Dec 18, 2007 moved EPA to reject California's waiver request to use fuel economy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles to mitigate global warming.

On Sept 12, 2007 a federal judge in Vermont ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an obligation to regulate carbon dioxide under the Clean Air Act.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on April 2, 2007 in Massachusetts vs Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that the agency does have the authority to regulate carbon dioxide as a criteria pollutant under the Clean Air Act. More specifically, the court to ruled 5 to 4 that the EPA violated the Clean Air Act by improperly declining to regulate new-vehicle emissions standards to control carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. Background: when groups in Massachusetts petitioned the EPA to set standards for greenhouse gas emissions for new vehicles EPA declined in 2003 citing "numerous areas of scientific uncertainty" about the causes and effects of global warming. Massachusetts, along with other states and cities, took the agency to court.

The U.S. Supreme Court also unanimously ruled on April 2, 2007 in Environmental Defense vs Duke Energy Corporation that industrial smokestacks and power plants must meet the Clean Air Act's New Source Review program (NSR), which requires that when large industrial facilities, such as power plants, refineries and chemical plants, expand operations and increase air pollution, they must also modernize air pollution controls.

বৃহস্পতিবার, ডিসেম্বর ২০, ২০০৭

Media Should Be Careful With Nuclear Reporting

The Washington Post published an article, "A Nuclear Site Is Breached," that made it sound like a commercial nuclear power plant in Africa was successfully breached by attackers. The article should have distinguished between a commercial nuclear power plant (only one on the continent of Africa) and a nuclear research facility. The distinction is very important because the article referred to "a site where hundreds of kilograms of weapons-grade uranium are stored." Such uranium is not at any commercial nuclear power plants. The attack at the research center was not successful and would have completely failed at any highly secured commercial nuclear power plant. AAEA would like to see many more nuclear power plants constructed in many different African countries and confusing articles will not make the job any easier.

The article should have taken the time to distinguish between Pelindaba Nuclear Research Center, left, where the attack occurred, and Koeberg Nuclear Power Station, right, which is the commercial nuclear power plant and the only one on the entire continent. Pelindaba is a research facility and Koeberg is a commercial nuclear power plant. The Pelindaba Center is located at Pelindaba near Hartbeespoort Dam approximately 30-35 km West of Pretoria( Northern South Africa inland). Koeberg is approximately 30km northwest of Cape Town, close to Melkbosstrand (Southern South Africa on the coast). The article described a 'successful' attack that posed a danger for constructing a dirty bomb. Hopefully, such reporting in the future will provide distinguishing descriptions of the facilites so that the public will not be unnecessarily frightened and prejudiced against this beneficial technology. With public acceptance African countries could prosper from the benefits of nuclear power and mitigate the problems of global warming and climate change.

EPA Denies California Global Warming Waiver Request

On the same day that President Bush signed the energy bill (H.R. 6), EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson, right, denied California's request to limit its own global warming gases from cars and trucks. Johnson concluded that the new energy law obviates the need for the equivalent of fuel economy standards in California because it requires a comparable 35 mpg nationwide requirement. We agree with President Bush and EPA on this issue. A nationwide fuel economy standard is much better than a patchwork of standards by each state patterned after the California law (A.B. 1493) and the Northeastern states (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative-RGGI).

Now we need an international climate change agreement patterned after the Asia Pacific Partnership and American legislation establishing a cap and trade program (no auction) for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. America should adopt new technological developments to lead the world in greenhouse gas reduction and energy productivity, including: solar, wind, efficiency, conservation, natural gas, clean coal, and nuclear. (Wash Post)

মঙ্গলবার, ডিসেম্বর ১৮, ২০০৭

Congress Passes Final Energy Bill

The House passed the final version of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 today (Dec 18) by a vote of 314 to 100. The Senate passed the revised energy bill 86 to 8 on Dec 13. It now goes to the president for his signature.

President Bush will sign his second energy bill (H.R. 6) and will thus lead America into a new age of automobile efficiency. Raising vehicle fuel economy standards is a great achievement that eluded other presidents and congresses since the passage of the original mileage law (Energy Policy Conservation Act of 1975). President Bush signed his first energy bill, the Energy Policy Act of 2005, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. AAEA atttended the signing of that historic legislation.

Key provisions of the bill include: Autobile fuel efficiency stardard of 35 miles a gallon by 2020, Renewable fuel ethanol use increased to 36 billion gallons a year by 2022, Green Jobs training for 35,000 people every year, Increases the efficiency of buildings and appliances and eliminates incandescent light bulbs by 2015, among others. The new law also goes far in helping to fulfill the goals of the California global warming law and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Iniative (RGGI) of the Northern states.

Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
(Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate)[H.R.6.ENR]

শুক্রবার, ডিসেম্বর ১৪, ২০০৭

Obama Targeted By Anti-Nuclear Protesters in S.C.

According to numerous published reports anti-nuclear protesters planned to disrupt presidential candidate Barack Obama's rally with Oprah Winfrey in Columbia, S.C., on Dec. 9. The activists hoped to draw attention to recent statements Obama made in support of nuclear power, including a comment favoring Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP). AAEA supports the GNEP. Evidently the demonstrators were relegated to a "free speech" holding area several blocks from the venue where Obama and TV personality Oprah Winfrey appeared. They urged colleagues to investigate how much money Obama is receiving from companies in the nuclear energy industry and to start a letter-writing campaign to Winfrey demanding that she take a stance against GNEP and for free speech.

These extremists were dealt with appropriately by the rally organizers. It is our opinion that these eco-extremists go out of their way to show extraordinary disrespect to African Americans who do not agree with them. AAEA experienced such disrespect last summer from some eco-hillbilly extremists. Note that they have not targeted Chris Dodd (D-Conn) or any of the Republican presidential candidates, all of whom support nuclear power. Senator Obama and Ms. Winfrey should aggressively engage them because these eco-extremists see them as targets to be particularly disrespected and to use for their own publicity purposes. AAEA is pronuclear and would be more than happy to provide a counterpoint to these extremists.

বৃহস্পতিবার, ডিসেম্বর ১৩, ২০০৭

Bush Beats Gore (Again) at Bali Climate Change Conference

The Bush administration won the battle between establishing an arbitrary 25% reduction or relying on technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the recent climate change conference in Bali, Indonesia. This conference is the beginning of the second stage of global climate talks to extend climate change programs from the Kyoto Protocol, which ends in 2012. Signatories to the protocol will not achieve their current emissions reductions targets by the deadline so it would appear that establishing even more stringent targets would be continuing a failed program. AAEA supports the technological approach over the hard target approach.

Our bet is that Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Chairman James Connaughton led the fight to avoid setting arbitrary limits of 25-40 percent. Connaughton is being practical because he knows China and India will never agree to hard targets so would never sign such an agreement. And without these two countries any climate change agreement is useless and doomed to failure. Moreover, the American public will not accept any plan that requires a reduction in our standard of living or placing any kind of limit on our economic growth. That is why President Bush did not support the Kyoto Protocol. (More at The Washington Post, WP)

বুধবার, ডিসেম্বর ১২, ২০০৭

Roy Innis of CORE on Energy Policy

Roy Innis is national chairman of the New York-based Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), one of America’s oldest civil rights organizations. This excerpt comes from his testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives in December 2007. We often hear that “clean, free, inexhaustible” renewable energy can replace the “dirty” fossil fuels that sustain our economy. A healthy dose of energy reality is needed. Fully 85% of America’s total energy comes from fossil fuels. Over half of its electricity comes from coal. Gas and nuclear generate 36% of its electricity.

American consumers simply cannot afford to halt the construction of new coal-fired power plants, though some politicians, activists and even companies are trying to do exactly that. Power plants fueled by coal are far less polluting than 30 years ago. Just since 1998, their annual sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions have declined another 28% and 43% respectively. We need every energy resource: oil, gas, coal, hydroelectric, nuclear – and wind, solar, geothermal and biomass. We cannot replace 52% of our electricity (the coal-based portion) with technologies that currently provide only 1% of that power (mainly wind).

মঙ্গলবার, ডিসেম্বর ১১, ২০০৭

Owner Sells African American Engineering Company

Rodney Hunt, right, just sold his RS Information Systems (RSIS) to Wyle, a Southern California aerospace engineering company, for a hefty sum. RSIS provides information technology, systems engineering, scientific support and management consulting. RSIS had more than $300 million in annual revenues and recently partnered to win a $1 billion contract with the U.S. Department of Energy. Our guess is Wyle wrote him a $100 million check. Hunt is 75% owner of RSIS. Don't you need a tax deduction Mr. Hunt?

Many minority owned firms find it hard to compete once they graduate from the 8(a) affirmative action program. It was smart for Hunt to sell when he did because revenues were falling quickly each year in the competitive open market. It is hard to impossible for a minority-owned firm to compete in the marketplace. We are marketeers but if a highly successful firm like this one cannot swim then the market waters must be shark infested. Discrimination is still an imperfection in the marketplace that confounds the best of minority firms. AAEA has felt its bite. Regardless, Mr. Hunt made a very good business decision and he is probably somewhere playing golf or enjoying his yacht. Or maybe he is creating or investing in another business. (The Washington Post)

শনিবার, ডিসেম্বর ০৮, ২০০৭

Al Gore In Oslo, Norway and Bali, Indonesia

Al Gore is on the move again. This time he is in Oslo, Norway to pick up his Nobel Peace Prize for his global warming work. Then during the second week of the Bali Climate Change conference, he will leave Europe to speak at the post Kyoto gathering. We just wish he would get his carbon dioxide offsets from us.

Former Vice President Gore has now published a book, produced an Academy Award winning documentary, produced a worldwide Live Earth concert event, won the Nobel Peace Prize and having done all of this has become the global warming guru he refused to be while second in command during his White House years.

বৃহস্পতিবার, ডিসেম্বর ০৬, ২০০৭

Statement of President Bush on Climate Change

"My Administration’s climate change policy is science-based, encourages research breakthroughs that lead to technology development, encourages global participation, and pursues actions that will help ensure continued economic growth and prosperity for our citizens and for people throughout the world. Since 2001, we have spent almost $37 billion on climate science, technology development, and incentives and international assistance. Recently, we convened representatives of the world’s major economies – the largest users of energy and largest producers of greenhouse gas emissions, from both developed and developing nations – to discuss a new international approach on energy security and climate change. Our aim is to agree on a detailed contribution for a new global framework in 2008 that would contribute to a global agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by 2009. The United States looks forward to working with partners to reach consensus on a “Bali Roadmap” at the upcoming UN meeting on climate change in Indonesia in December."

"Energy security and climate change are two of the important challenges of our time. The United States takes these challenges seriously, and we are effectively confronting climate change through regulations, public-private partnerships, incentives, and strong investment in new technologies. Our guiding principle is clear: we must lead the world to produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and we must do it in a way that does not undermine economic growth or prevent nations from delivering greater prosperity for their people." [The White House sent it and we published it]

John Edwards Statement On Senate Climate Legislation

Senator John Edwards released the following statement on the Lieberman-Warner bill (S. 2191) that was approved Dec 5 by the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works:

"Addressing global warming is one of the great moral tests of our generation, and it's time for bold action and leadership to address this crisis that threatens the globe. While I'm glad to see that global warming legislation is finally moving in the Senate, unfortunately the Lieberman-Warner bill doesn't go far enough to address the crisis of global warming. We cannot be limited in our approach by the armies of lobbyists from big oil companies and other special interests. This bill gives away pollution permits to industry for free - a massive corporate windfall - instead of doing what is right and selling them so that we can use these resources to invest in clean energy research, create a new economy of green jobs, and help regular families and business go green."

"I believe it is our moral obligation to do everything climate science says is needed to save our planet. Ending global warming won't be easy, but it is time to ask Americans to be patriotic about something other than war. If we start taking the bold action I have recommended, we can emerge from the crisis of global warming with an economy built on clean, renewable energy and more than one million new jobs." [His campaign sent it and we published it]

Energy (H.R. 6) & Climate (S. 2191) Legislation

The House passed the Energy Bill today (H.R. 6), the Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007 on a vote of 235-181 and now it moves to the Senate for final passage. President Bush has threatened to veto the bill because of provisions included that he opposes (Statement of Administration Policy). President Bush supports the most important provision of the legislation: increasing automobile fuel economy standards to 35 miles per gallon by 2020, 40 percent more than the current 27.5 mpg standard. AAEA supports the legislation (and administration objections).

Update (evening Dec 13): The Senate passed the revised energy bill 86 to 8, which makes it veto proof. President Bush will sign it anyway if the House passes the revised bill, which eliminated the tax package.

(morning Dec 13): The Senate voted 53 to 42 (evidently changed to 59 to 40), which fails to get the 60 votes needed to invoke cloture and close debate, effectively killing the measure. The Senate will try to rework the bill for passage before Congress adjourns. The bill failed largely because of the provision to pay for the renewables items with ending about $13 billion in tax breaks for oil companies over 10 years.

Energy Tax Incentives Package: The new $21 billion tax incentives package measured over 10 years includes 1) $2.8 billion in incentives for energy efficient products, 2) a $993 million credit for plug-in vehicles and 3) more than $7 billion in incentives for renewable fuels.


1) Fuel Efficiency. The new stardard would be 35 miles a gallon by 2020.
2) Renewable Energy. Electric utilities would be required to use renewable energy sources for at least 15 percent of their power generation.
3) Taxes. A $21 billion package of tax incentives.
4) Efficiency Standards. Incandescent light bulbs would be eliminated by 2015.
5) Renewable Fuels. Ethanol use would be increased to 36 billion gallons a year by 2022.

The Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Warner (R-W.Va.) America's Climate Security Act (S. 2191) passed out of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee 11-8 on December 5 and will proceed to the Senate Floor (Chairman Boxer's Statement). The bill calls for the U.S. to cut carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent by 2050. The House has not started hearings on a climate bill. AAEA supports the legislation. We do not support auctioning the allowances because it would increase the cost of the program and raise energy prices. (The Washington Post)

* Eliminated

শনিবার, ডিসেম্বর ০১, ২০০৭

PRESIDENT'S CORNER: Nuclear Power Godfather

By Norris McDonald. I recently traveled to France and met with Dr. Bruno Comby, the Godfather of environmentalists for nuclear power. Dr. Comby lives just outside of Paris and he is pictured at right holding his son. Bruno is the real deal, just like the Marlon Brando character, except he is a nuclear physicist. He is also the first environmentalist to publicly support nuclear power (1996). I have also noticed that some other 'prominent' environmentalist nuclear power supporters rarely to never mention him. We had a great chuckle about that after I told him about me getting the same treatment as the first American environmentalist to publicly support nuclear power.

My son and I spent four hours with Bruno and his family on an overcast Sunday afternoon. His colleague, Berol Robinson, was also present. Berol, next to Bruno in the photo, will move to the United States (Boston) in six months and will serve as president of the Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy in America. We ate a great lunch of vegetables and steamed chicken. He provided some organic cider for me, because sulfites cause a little asthma reaction. Bruno has a beautiful, smart and nice wife who works in computer IT at a bank. She also plays piano. And they are blessed with the cutest two year old son. Comby is building a state-of-the-art environmentally and energy friendly office next to his home (more on that later). It was a great visit to a person I have admired for a long time. (More)

Back To Paris By Train

New Vehicle Magazine Targets African Americans

A new 'newspaper-delivered consumer automotive magazine,' with the slogan, "Why Can't We All Just Buckle Up?" is targeting Blacks. "African Americans On Wheels" is published by On Wheels, Inc, which is a multicultural multimedia company that also publishes Asians On Wheels and Latinos On Wheels magazines.

The mag mostly advertises V-8 SUVs. Maybe AAEA can get them interested in covering energy legislation, particularly the 36 mpg requirement pending in current legislation. Hopefully they will also give some coverage to the potential of plug-in fuel cell hybrid electric to revolutionize transport.

AAEA President Takes Fact Finding Trip To France

AAEA President Norris McDonald traveled to France to tour a nuclear fuel reprocessing facility, meet with a member of the French congress and tour a nuclear power plant. The fact finding trip was from November 24-29, 2007 and included a ride on France's bullet train.

McDonald toured the La Hague nuclear fuel reprocessing facility near Normandy. He was briefed by Assemblyman Claude Birraux, a member of the National Assembly of France and the Chairman of the Parliamentary Office for Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Options. McDonald toured the Civaux nuclear power plant, France's newest. He is pictured above standing in front of this clean, safe, state-of-the-art emission free electricity producing facility.

Wayne Curry Leads Class-Action Suit On Pollution

Former Prince George's County Executive and lawyer Wayne Curry, right, is taking the lead on a class action lawsuit brought by an upscale Anne Arundel County community over water contamination. The suit is from residents of Gambrills and Crofton and is against Constellation Energy Group, which buried 4.5 million tons of toxic fly ash on an 80-acre site without warning homeowners. The local groundwater is now contaminated with arsenic and other metals and was a source of drinking water for some of the community residents.

It is being reported that this is Mr. Curry's first litigation since leaving office. The suit could include as many as 5,000 Crofton and Gambrills residents. (The Washington Post)

The Post Environmental Movement Took Off In 2004?

According to USA Today columnist Laura Vanderkam,

"The post-environmental movement took off in late 2004, when Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger, green movement veterans, published an essay called The Death of Environmentalism. In the essay they argued that the traditional environmental approach — identify a pollutant, mobilize public opinion, pass a law to stop it — was inadequate for dealing with global warming. For starters, there's no one polluter to target. We're all sinners. "
Really? That is news to us and we have been working in the environmental movement for 28 years. Admittedly they shook up the Sierra Club and some other traditional environmentalist groups. But we knew those mainstream groups had lost their way at least a decade before Vanderkam's Nordhaus/Shellenberger revelation. We agree with Vanderkam that, "Americans don't like to limit ourselves, period. If fighting global warming requires sitting in the dark, we'll never do it." AAEA has long stated that Blacks want to participate in aggressive capitalism 'before' we are asked to conserve. America's Black community IS China and India when it comes to global warming and other energy issues. Yet we believe technology CAN mitigate environmental degradation while aggressively pursuing capitalism.

We also agree with Nordhaus/Shellenberger for proposing a $300 billion investment in a technology solution-based approach in this new economy. African Americans want to be right in the middle of this energy renaissance. Unfortunately, some are still dodging our participation.

Wind Power: Too Far Offshore Too Expensive?

AAEA testified at the Cape Wind Project in 2004 and three years later the project is still in jeopardy. The project developers told us at that time they could hold out maybe 2 more years. Well it has been 3 years and they are still fighting for a project that should have been a cake walk. We have lost our backbone in America and cannot even develop wind projects that many once touted as the perfect energy technologies to satisfy our energy needs. Massachusetts is hurting America's 'can do' image by allowing NIMBY elitists to slow or stop this valuable project.

Others are taking the innovation away from us just as France did with nuclear power. Talisman Energy Inc, a Canadian oil and gas company has partnered with the utility Scottish & Southern Energy PLC to proceed with plans to build a 200 turbine wind farm in the North Sea. It would provide enough electricity for one million people, or a fifth of Scotland's population. The only real obstacle is cost. The deeper the water and the longer the distance to land, the more a wind project's installed capacity will cost. The Scottish project will cost about $90 million, or $9 per megawatt compared to $1.5 million per MW for a gas-fired power plant. Yet Cape Wind in Nantucket Sound is planned to have a similar distance to shore as the Scottish project. The water depth is not 150 feet like the Scottish project. [Comparison of planned offshore wind farms] (The Wall Street Journal)

শুক্রবার, নভেম্বর ৩০, ২০০৭

Bali Conference on Climate Change Carbon Neutral?

It is being reported that 15,000 people from 190 nations will be flying to Bali to discuss reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Of course, these flights will create millions of pounds of carbon dioxide. Is it us or is there something wrong with this picture? The December 3-14 conference is being sponsored by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and will utilize the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report to begin formulating the Post Kyoto protocol, which expires in 2012. Has the United Nations made arrangements to offset their carbon footprint? We hope so. We do not know.

We do know that it would take a massive amount of carbon dioxide credits to offset the burning all of that jet fuel. That is why AAEA has established a program to address such a need. It is our Green Carbon Bank (GCB). Hey U.N.? Need to offset your footprint? Give us a call. Or simply click on the penquin.

Derrick Freeman: Nuclear Power Advocate

Derrick Freeman is the Senior Director for Governmental Affairs at the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI). He joined NEI in July 2007 after working on Capitol Hill for many years. Mr. Freeman served as Legislative Counsel to Senator Mark Pryor (D-Arkansas) where his responsibilities included advisement on energy, taxation, and economic policy.

His professional experience encompasses several years in the financial services industry in New York City and on Wall Street. He served as Vice President and Counsel at the U.S. Investment banking arm of the Netherlands based ABN/AMRO.

Derrick graduated from Washington and Lee University with a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and received his Juris Doctorate from Howard University School of Law. He is a member of the New York State Bar.

Dr. Bruno Comby: First To Support Nuclear Power

Dr. Bruno Comby, left, is the godfather of environmentalists who support nuclear power. He was the very first environmentalist in the world to publicly support nuclear power starting in 1996. Based just outside of Paris, France he is internationally known and led the environmental movement there to establish that country as the world leader in nuclear power plant electricity production. France now gets 80% of its electricity from nuclear power and Dr. Comby should be more widely recognized for his early support. AAEA promotes our president, Norris McDonald, as the first environmentalist to publicly support nuclear power in the United States, but we have always recognized Dr. Comby as the original visionary and activist in this area.

Bruno Comby is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique, with a postgraduate degree in nuclear physics. He is a well known European environmentalist, the author of eight books on health, energy and the environment, including the best seller 'Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy'. His books and his work have been widely presented in over 1500 TV and radio programmes and press articles around the world. He is the scientific director of the Bruno Comby Institute, which promotes non-smoking, better nutrition, and solutions to famine in the Third World. Bruno Comby created the association Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy (EFN) in 1996. It now includes over 9,000 citizens, members and supporters of clean nuclear energy in more than 56 countries, and provides information and activities to the public in 15 languages. AAEA is a member.

শনিবার, নভেম্বর ২৪, ২০০৭

More American Environmentalists Should Support Nuclear Power

Only two American environmentalists are actively supporting nuclear power: 1) Norris McDonald and 2) Christie Todd Whitman. Our president was the first American environmentalist to publicly support nuclear power (2001) and is still the only head of an American environmental organization supporting the emission free technology. AAEA is the only American environmental organization actively supporting nuclear power. Some of AAEA's nuclear work is illustrated at the following links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. AAEA is the David fighting the anti-nuclear movement Goliath to allow this technology to provide the electricity we need while mitigating global warming.

Former New Jersey Governor and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christie Todd Whitman cochairs a coalition that started publicly supporting nuclear power in 2005. She speaks to groups around the country about the emission free benefits of nuclear energy.

The pro-nuclear movement needs more American environmentalists to ACTIVELY support nuclear power. We accent actively because, although some folk give lip or blog service support, they do not show up at the public hearings, forums and press conferences to support the renewed interest in developing this technology. They are also not doing the homework needed to promote the building of new nuclear power plants. Although there is much discussion and many plans to build these new plants, not one order has been placed. No one really knows if this rennaisance will happen and the anti-nuclear movement has not gone away. Wall Street and Main Street will still have much to say about a possible nuclear power future. AAEA could use some help out here in the field of battle. More American environmentalists need to step up to the plate. Global climate change is the most important environmental issue facing us today.


বুধবার, নভেম্বর ২১, ২০০৭

America's Most Dangerous Cities

According to CQ Press based on FBI data, the most dangerous cities in America are listed below. There is also a gnashing of the teeth about how the data should be used but we will not shy away from the reality of the carnage. It is pathetic. And it is Black-on-Black violence because these cities are either majority Black or have very large Black populations.

City / % African American (added by AAEA)

1. Detroit 82%

2. St. Louis 51%

3. Flint, Mich 53%

4. Oakland, Calif 36%

5. Camden, N.J. 53%

6. Birmingham, Ala 73%
7. North Charleston, S.C. 50%
8. Memphis, Tenn 61%
9. Richmond, Calif 36%
10. Cleveland, Ohio 51%
11. Orlando, Fla 27%
12. Baltimore, Md 64%
13. Little Rock, Ark 40%
14. Compton, Calif 62%
15. Youngston, Ohio 44%
27. Washington, DC 60%

Source: Wikipedia (2000 U.S. Census), CQPress is a division of Congressional Quarterly, Inc.

সোমবার, নভেম্বর ১৯, ২০০৭

Pew Research Center Race Study

A new Pew Research Center survey entitled "Optimism About Black Progress Declines" has found that African Americans see a widening gulf between the values of middle class and poor blacks, and nearly four-inten say that because of the diversity within their community, blacks can no longer be thought of as a single race. By a ratio of two-to-one, blacks say that the values of poor and middle class blacks have grown more dissimilar over the past decade. In contrast, most blacks say that the values of blacks and whites have grown more alike during this same time period.

Whites share the view that there has been a convergence in black and white values in the past decade; they also agree that the values of middle-class and poor blacks have grown less alike. Blacks and whites alike agree -- by solid majorities -- that immigrants work harder than both blacks and whites at low-wage jobs. One constant over the last two decades has been the nearly unanimous favorable views that blacks and whites express toward each other – roughly eight-in-ten of each group says they have a very or mostly favorable view of the other group. As of 2002, blacks remained the nation’s most segregated racial or ethnic group.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4th Report

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued its 4th Assessment Report on climate change. The report is a summary for policymakers and will serve as the discussion document for the upcoming Dec 3-14 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference in Bali, Indonesia. The IPCC (formed 1988) and the UNFCCC (formed 1992 at Rio Summit) are part of the United Nations (More). The report shows that human influences have:

• Very likely contributed to sea level rise during the latter half of the 20th century
• Likely contributed to changes in wind patterns, affecting extra-tropical storm tracks and temperature patterns
• Likely increased temperatures of extreme hot nights, cold nights and cold days
• More likely than not increased risk of heat waves, area affected by drought since the 1970s and frequency of heavy precipitation events.

The report also states that:

1) Altered frequencies and intensities of extreme weather (heat waves, heavy
precipitation events, droughts, more severe storms, extreme sea level
events), together with sea level rise, are expected to have mostly adverse
effects on natural and human systems.

2) Anthropogenic warming could lead to some impacts that are abrupt or
irreversible, depending upon the rate and magnitude of the climate change.

3) Anthropogenic warming and sea level rise will continue for centuries due to
the timescales associated with the climate processes and feedbacks, even if GHG
concentrations were to be stabilized.

4) Climate change preferentially selects the poorest and most vulnerable in any
society. (Grist)

শুক্রবার, নভেম্বর ১৬, ২০০৭

"Tell Me More" Should Be Five Days A Week

Hey NPR, you are confusing the dedicated listeners of Michele Martin's "Tell Me More" show by only broadcasting on WAMU four days a week. Although your replacement Friday show is fine, couldn't you split that two hour segment up and give Mrs. Martin the consistency of a one-hour Friday show. We listeners of the show and fans of Mrs. Martin get in a groove and then it is not there on Friday. It is frustating. We are waiting for Michele's rapid-fire, intelligent, witty, curious questioning and it is not there. We encourage our readers to contact NPR and let them know. Click on the Office/Service/management button, then Ombudsman or NPR Management and send a note or call.

Now we're not trying to second guess your programming but NPR has to see the logic behind what we say. You launch this show with an A-list star and then broadcast it 80 percent of the time through WAMU. And you keep this talent from communicating with her fans on relax-day Friday when she could really be creative. Come on NPR. Listen to us. We have solved some of our planet's most complex energy and environmental problems (theoretical mostly of course) and you should consider implementing this recommended fix over there at WAMU. Now we do not know whether this is an NPR issue or a WAMU issue, but regardless, the show should be broadcast on Fridays at 2 p.m.

And while we're at it give Michele call-in too. The "Talk of the Nation Science Friday" show has call-in and Michele does not during her Mon-Thurs WAMU broadcasts.

'Authentic Black' Certificates: Be Sure. Get Certified

What does it mean to be Black (better capitalize it)? This issue currently plagues Barack Obama and has been debated in the past regarding O.J. Simpson, Tiger Woods and Michael Jackson, among others. AAEA took this issue to our laboratory and our researchers developed a 'Certification of Black Authencity' so that poeple will have an objective measure.

Please answer the questions below with a 'yes' or a 'no' to describe yourself. If you qualify, we will send you a certificate upon your request with your name on it just like the one shown above with our president's name (click on it to see larger version). It is free. You will have to provide your own frame.

1. Articulate
2. Educated
3. Aspire to be middle-class or higher
4. Dress well
5. Pious
6. Polite
7. Neat
8. Organized
9. Generous
10. Kind

If you answered 'yes' to at least 7 of the questions, then you are an Authentic Black. To order your certificate click HERE. Leave your address and the certificate will be mailed to you.

মঙ্গলবার, নভেম্বর ১৩, ২০০৭

Africa and Nuclear Power

The entire continent of Africa has one nuclear power facility and it is located in South Africa. Hopefully that will change soon. According to The Wall Street Journal a consortium that includes the South African government and the Westinghouse Electric Co (owned by Japan's Toshiba Corp) is investing $3 billion in a new type of power plant called the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) . PBMR is being developed by Pebble Bed Modular Reactor Ltd, which is 15% owned by Westinghouse with the remainder by the South African government and the state-owned utility company Eskom.

Eskom is still in the planning stages in developing a PBMR. China has already built a research PBMR and is proceeding with plans to construct a demonstration facility before moving to commmercialization. AAEA's parent Center for Environment, Commerce & Energy visited with the developers of the PBMR in China and toured the facility, which is located near the Great Wall. AAEA will work to promote the use of nuclear power in Africa and will assist with the development of the PBMR. AAEA has discussed the project with Eskom and executives at PBMR Ltd.

বুধবার, নভেম্বর ০৭, ২০০৭

AAEA To Be Featured In Korean Energy Documentary

AAEA President Norris McDonald will be featured in a TV documentary being produced by Korea Broadcasting Station (KBS) that will address why nuclear energy is the most efficient and environmentally friendly energy source for our world and how new safety measures and new scientific developments are being established for safety and efficiency. It is to be aired in South Korea on the free government run channel through a regular TV program titled “Science Café,” which shows informative or educational documentaries and documentary-dramas on different topics relating to science, environment and medicine each week. The filming of this documentary took place in France, Japan, US and Korea. The U.S. footage with McDonald took place around Capitol Hill.

McDonald is pictured above with cinematographer Yoon, Hyung Suk, documentary producer Yang, So Hyun of IMTV Inc production company and U.S. production coordinator Mia SH Kim. The title of the documentary is “The Second Renaissance of the Nuclear Power Industry,” with Part 1 entitled “Why Nuclear Energy Again?” and Part 2 “Is Nuclear Energy Really Safe and How?” Special thanks to Bruno Comby of Environmentalists for Nuclear Power (EFN) for recommending us for this documentary. McDonald will be meeting with Mr. Comby outside of Paris, France later this month.

Presidential Forum: Global Warming & America's Energy Future

Several environmental groups are hosting a presidential forum for the candidates to discuss the nation's energy challenges and global warming. The Forum will take place at the Wadsworth Theater in Los Angeles, California on Nov 17, 2007.

The forum is being sponsored by Grist magazine in partnership with the League of Conservation Voters, Natural Resources Defense Council, Mobilizing America For Our Environment and the Center for American Progress Action Fund To attend the event register at www.lcvef.org/gristforum or call 206-992-6009 for more information.

The Racial Environment At The Top of Corporate America

In the 1960s when Blacks had virtually no access to even middle management in corporate America, James Brown sang, "I don't want nobody to give me nothing, open up the door, I'll get it myself." Well four decades later things seem to be changing a bit. Now not only do Blacks work in middle management, a handful have made it to the top.

E. Stanley O'Neal headed Merrill Lynch for five years. Dick Parsons headed Timer Warner for about five years. Ken Chenault is the CEO of American Express. And Bob Johnson created Black Entertainment Television (BET), sold it for $3 billion to Viacom and heads his own billion dollar operation.

Our coverage of race irritates some people. The thinking being that we are all Americans so why keep harping on race. Quite simply it is because racism is still experienced by virtually every African American, even today. Not the burn the cross on the lawn hang'em high brand but the treat'em any kind of way brand. Moreover, American communities are still as segregated as ever. So when racism goes away we will stop pointing out racial distinctions.

মঙ্গলবার, নভেম্বর ০৬, ২০০৭

Hillary Clinton Issues Climate Change & Energy Plan

Hillary Clinton's plan to promote energy independence, address global warming, and transform our economy includes:

*** A new cap-and-trade program that auctions 100 percent of permits alongside investments to move us on the path towards energy independence;
*** An aggressive comprehensive energy efficiency agenda to reduce electricity consumption 20 percent from projected levels by 2020 by changing the way utilities do business, catalyzing a green building industry, enacting strict appliance efficiency standards, and phasing out incandescent light bulbs;
*** A $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund, paid for in part by oil companies, to fund investments in alternative energy. The SEF will finance one-third of the $150 billon ten-year investment in a new energy future contained in this plan;
*** Doubling of federal investment in basic energy research, including funding for an ARPA-E, a new research agency modeled on the successful Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
*** Aggressive action to transition our economy toward renewable energy sources, with renewables generating 25 percent of electricity by 2030 and with 60 billion gallons of home-grown biofuels available for cars and trucks by 2030;
*** 10 "Smart Grid City" partnerships to prove the advanced capabilities of smart grid and other advanced demand-reduction technologies, as well as new investment in plug-in hybrid vehicle technologies;
*** An increase in fuel efficiency standards to 55 miles per gallon by 2030, and $20 billion of "Green Vehicle Bonds" to help U.S. automakers retool their plants to meet the standards;
*** A plan to catalyze a thriving green building industry by investing in green collar jobs and helping to modernize and retrofit 20 million low-income homes to make them more energy efficient;
*** A new "Connie Mae" program to make it easier for low and middle-income Americans to buy green homes and invest in green home improvements;
*** A requirement that all publicly traded companies report financial risks due to climate change in annual reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission; and
*** Creation of a "National Energy Council" within the White House to ensure implementation of the plan across the Executive Branch.
*** A requirement that all federal buildings designed after January 20, 2009 will be zero emissions buildings.

সোমবার, নভেম্বর ০৫, ২০০৭

America's Climate Security Act

Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn), left, and Senator John Warner (R-VA), right) have introduced America's Climate Security Act (S. 2191) to address global warming. The bill directs the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a program to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases. It specifies an annual tonnage cap, expressed in terms of Co2 equivalence, for each year from 2012 through 2050.

The cap for 2012 will be the 2005 emissions level, 10% below 2005 by 2020, 30% by 2030, 50% by 2030, 70% by 2050. The Lieberman-Warner bill covers the electric power, transportation and manufacturing sectors, which account for 75 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

Other provisions include:

*** 24% in 2012 will go to auction through the Climate Change Credit Corporation; rising to 52% by 2035.

*** Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) regulations and a legal framework for the Federal assumption of liability for geological storage will be proposed by a study group within two years of enactment.

*** The bill will set forth detailed, rigorous requirements for offsets, with the purpose of ensuring that they will represent real, additional, verifiable, and permanent emissions reductions.

AAEA supports the bill with caveats. We do not support auctioning the credits. (Hill Heat)