বৃহস্পতিবার, অক্টোবর ০৬, ২০০৫

House Energy Leaders Push For Policy Changes

House Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Joe Barton (left) is promoting the Gasoline for America's Security (GAS) Act and House Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pombo is promoting the National Energy Supply Diversification and Disruption Prevention Act.

Barton's bill eases permitting and air pollution rules for oil refineries and industrial facilities, permits new refinery sites on retired army bases and other federal lands, moves litigation from state & local courts to federal courts and provides payments for unforeseen regulation or litigation delays.

Pombo's bill seeks to ease rising gas prices by increasing domestic energy supplies and preventing supply disruptions in America by authorizing production on 2000 acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, allowing natural gas production in the deep federal waters of the Outer Continental Shelf and prividing incentives for energy sources including alternative and geothermal resources.

AAEA opposes both bills unless reparations measures are included to compensate descendants of slaves for the free energy provided to America for 300 years. There are good and bad points in both bills.

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