সোমবার, জানুয়ারী ০৯, ২০০৬

Alito, Environment & Confirmation

The Left Wing of the mainstream environmental movement opposes the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, they are manufacturing his environmental views based on imaginative speculations. These are the same groups that have absolutely refused requests to answer our Diversity Survey. Of course, they would not miss this opportunity to join with other partisan, liberal groups, even as they maintain their abysmal record of failing to employ and retain blacks in professional positions. President Bush runs rings around the Left Wing of the mainstream environmental movement in this area.

Judge Alito has received the highest recommendation from the ABA and we believe presidents should be allowed to choose their nominees, and absent some Earth shattering disqualifier, the Senate should confirm the selection. Of course, if the opposition wants to appoint Supreme Court judges, they should take a page out of former President Bill Clinton's 'How To Be A Republican-Lite And Win The Presidency' playbook, and WIN AN ELECTION.

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