শুক্রবার, মার্চ ২৪, ২০০৬

Black Caucus Congress Member Opposes Offshore Drilling

Congressman Bobby Scott (D- VA, 3rd District) supports the federal moratorium on offshore oil and gas drilling that must be re-enacted by Congress every year. A bill (Virginia Energy Plan) introduced in the state General Assembly includes a provision calling for Virginia to seek an exemption from the federal moratorium on offshore drilling for natural gas. The offshore drilling provision has no legally binding effect other than encouraging the governor's office to ask Virginia's congressional delegation to seek approval. The U.S. Department of Interior’s Mineral Management Service manages offshore drilling.

Congressman Scott believes the proposal is contrary to the best interests of Virginia. Congressman Scott is particularly concerned about threats to marine mammals, such as dolphins, coastal marine ecosystems, resort beaches in Virginia Beach, the economy of the commonwealth and the Chesapeake Bay, the nation's largest and most productive estuary. (Hat Tip: BlackElectorate.com)

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