বৃহস্পতিবার, আগস্ট ১৭, ২০০৬

Wash Post Endorses Nuclear Power & Criticizes Waste

The Washington Post endorsed fission power on its editorial page today, but heavily criticized the delay in resolving the fission waste storage and reuse problems. Excellent. It is about time. We have been telling them to get on board for years. The New York Times, The New York Post and other newspapers have already endorsed the technology. The Post states, "Given the environmental and geopolitical disadvantages of dependence on oil, gas and coal, these (nuclear) arguments are persuasive." On the other hand they state, "The federal government needs a foolproof plan to dispose properly of the waste. Otherwise, Americans won't have confidence in nuclear power." The Post was fair and got it right this time.

AAEA has met with Dennis Spurgeon, Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, at the agency to discuss solutions to the waste and recycling delays. DOE has excellent plans for solving these problems, from the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership to the Mixed Oxide (MOX) fabrication facility scheduled for construction in South Carolina.

AAEA also toured the Yucca Mountain storage facility in 2002 and we believe it is an ideal location for storage and reprocessing. Because of the enormity and complexity of the waste issue, we have also called for the creation of a Nuclear Waste Management Agency, whose sole responsibility would be to manage nuclear waste. Legislation is needed for reprocessing anyway and the 2017 opening date for Yucca is too long and could be cut in half, thus assuring the American public and Wall Street.

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