মঙ্গলবার, অক্টোবর ২৪, ২০০৬

Environmental Justice in America: Call for Papers

Update: The Call for Papers due date for paper abstractshas been extended. Abstracts may now be submitted on or before November 22, 2006. Other dates have been adjusted accordingly. John Rosenthall, Conference Coordinator, ejinamerica2007@yahoo.com

The State of Environmental Justice in America conference planners are inviting individuals to submit a short abstract of no more than 250 words that describes the current state of environmental justice in one of the areas listed below, preferably placing your discussion in the context of changes that have occurred in the selected area in the past 25 years. A suggested list of topic areas include:

v Success stories in assuring justice for communities
v Sustainable community planning and development/smart growth
v Just and sustainable energy policy
v Community participation in environmental decision making
v Building community capacity
v Distribution of community benefits
v Access to public health benefits
v Provision of infrastructure and resources in rural America
v Facility siting and environmental justice
v Environmental education
v Conservation Cooperation
v Innovations in environmental justice legislation, regulation and litigation
v Environmental justice considerations in emergency preparedness and homeland protection

The abstract should include the submitter's name and contact information.
Submissions: Abstracts should be sent to: ejinamerica2007@yahoo.com

Relevant Dates:

Abstract due: November 6, 2006
Notice of Acceptance: November 20, 2006
Initial Paper Draft: January 2, 2007
Comments Due To Authors: January 19, 2007
Final Draft: February 16, 2007
Conference Dates: March 29-31, 2007

Accepted papers will be included in the comprehensive report, presented at the conference, or published in one or more conference publications. For additional information, please contact Michelle Hudson at hudsonmi@saic.com. For sponsorship opportunities or conference suggestions, please contact John Rosenthall at 703-624-2257 or jrosenthall@msn.com

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