সোমবার, নভেম্বর ১৩, ২০০৬

Oprah Winfrey & the Martin Luther King, Jr. Dedication

Oprah Winfrey, left, with AAEA President Norris McDonald, surprised attendees by walking through the crowd at the Ceremonial Groundbreaking for the Martin Luther King, Jr Memorial. She walked right up to our president and shared a moment (even though the crowd almost ruined the photo). The people rushed Oprah and she indulged them. Oprah shared herself with the people and they loved it.

The memorial will be located between the Lincoln, Jefferson and Roosevelt memorials on the National Mall near the Potomac River facing the Tidal Basin. President Bush, former President Bill Clinton, The King Progeny, Andrew Young, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Walter Fauntroy, and many other dignitaries particupated in the event.

SOS To Oprah: If you ever see this, would you please take a better picture with Norris McDonald. Thanks. That shot is pretty desperate.

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