শনিবার, জানুয়ারী ০৬, ২০০৭

Deval Patrick, Global Warming & Nuclear Power

Deval Patrick was elected governor of Massachusetts on November 7th 2006. He is the first African American elected governor of Massachusetts and the second elected in U.S. history, after Douglas Wilder of Virginia. Patrick was born on Chicago's South Side in 1956, graduated from Harvard College in 1978, worked as an attorney and businessman, and married Diane Bermus. They have two daughters, Sarah and Katherine.

The jury is out on Patrick on global warming because he does not appear to have a position on nuclear power. He treats it the way minorities are treated, he ignores it. Hopefully he will not say, "I had no idea I was ignoring nuclear power." He lists enthusiastic support for other energy sources, supports the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (his predecessor, Mitt Romney, did not sign the initiative) and he supports the Cape Wind Project. Massachusetts has only one nuclear power plant, Pilgrim Station, which is owned by Entergy Corporation (purchased in 1999 from Boston Edison). Pilgrim Station has a capacity of 1,538 megawatts and is a boiling water reactor. It provides 10 percent of the state's electrical power. (EIA)

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