শনিবার, মে ১২, ২০০৭

Kelly Taylor : Nuclear Industry Loses Another Giant

Michael Stuart, Delbert Horn, Sandy McDonald, Norris McDonald & Kelly Taylor

Kelly Taylor is an engineer at Dominion and works at the North Anna Nuclear Power Station near Richmond, Virginia. Ms. Taylor is also a member of AAEA and recently represented us at a national environmental justice conference. After many years of invaluable service, she has announced that she will be leaving the company in July. What a trememdous loss for the nuclear industry. Anyone who has ever met Ms. Taylor knows her commitment, boundless energy and restless imagination. Regardless of why she is leaving the company, it is a great loss. And if she does not stay involved in promoting nuclear power, it will hurt the nuclear renaissance movement.

AAEA President Norris McDonald and his son are pictured above with Kelly at a rest stop on their 13 hour drive to Clinton, Illinois to tour the nuclear plant and to testify at a Nuclear Regulatory Commission hearing on Exelon's Early Site Permit (ESP) application. Exelon has received approval of the application. Kelly recruited us to share the ride and to participate in this hearing. AAEA also worked with Kelly at the Port Gibson, Mississippi Grand Gulf ESP NRC hearing. Although we are a small but powerful environmental organization, Ms. Taylor is welcome to work with us anytime. She cares about America's energy future. She also cares about our community.

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