বুধবার, আগস্ট ০১, ২০০৭

AAEA Joins New Electricity Alliance in New Jersey

AAEA recently joined the New Jersey Alliance for Affordable, Clean, Reliable Electricity (NJACRE). The NJ Alliance (ACRE) was formed to assure that New Jersey develops and supports energy policies that protect our environment and improve the economy. ACRE is a diverse collection of individuals and groups representing environmental, business, health care, labor, academic, and civic communities.

ACRE's key focus is the development of new and emerging clean energy technologies, encouragement of conservation, and a greater reliance on existing clean energy technologies, including wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear and ocean. Although the alliance will promote supplemental technologies, nuclear power will be the focss because the state's four nuclear plants provide almost 52 percent of its electricity with emitting any smog-forming or greenhouse gases. Moreover, Governor Corzine has announced his intention to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. The regulations would also cap emissions at 20 percent of 2006's levels by 2050. New Jersey is also a signatory to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

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