শুক্রবার, জানুয়ারী ০৯, ২০০৯

ANYBODY CAN SERVE: So Let's Conserve

Mignon Clyburn, right, is the Chairwoman of the Anybody Can Serve (ACS) national campaign being sponsored by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC). ACS is a national energy efficiency campaign focused on putting America's energy future back in the hands of the people who matter most--the American public. The national campaign was launched at The National Press Club's James R. Murrow room on Friday, January 9, 2009. Ms. Clyburn was joined by NARUC President Frederick Butler in launching the campaign. Anybody Can Serve...So Let's Conserve is educating and engaging consumers through the use of innovative, multi-media tools about the simple things we can do to change our energy consumption habits, slow the depletion of natural energy resources and save money.

As a first step, the Anybody Can Serve...So Let's Conserve partners will encourage people to begin taking action on January 19, 2009 as part of the National Day of Utility Service, celebrated in recognition of the spirit of service to self and community often promoted on the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. AAEA totally agrees with the ACS steps to achieve energy efficiency: Change incandescent light bulbs to energy efficient ones. Wash your clothers in cold water, Weatherize your home, Use a low flow energy shower head, Buy energy efficient appliance. Keep thermostats at 70 degrees during the heating season and raise your cooling thermostat to 78 degrees during the summer. Turn off and unplug electronics when they are not in use. Make sure yuor hot water heater is insulated and run your dishwasher only when it is full.

Participants at the launch included the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Edison Electric Institute, Southern Company,WGL Holdings, AARP, Earth Day Network, National Black Conference of State Legislators, Council of State Governments, African American Environmentalist Association, American Association of Blacks in Energy, American Gas Association, Community Action Partnership, Georgetown Eco-Action, National Associaton of State Utility Consumer Advocates, National Conference of Black Mayors, National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators, National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women and the World Conference of Mayors, among others.

ACS Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn is pictured above with AAEA President Norris McDonald at the launch.

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