সোমবার, জুলাই ১২, ২০১০

Protesters Occupy EPA Over Mountaintop Removal

Five sit-in protesters recently occupied the Constitution Avenue entrance lobby of the EPA's headquarters in Washington, DC. to protest the agency's approval of water permits for mountaintop removal. The protesters played a recording of EPA Administrator's own words stating her intent to end mountaintop removal (MTR) mining valley fills on an amplified soundtrack.

The protesters locked themselves together with metal 'lock boxes,' and began to play John Denver's song 'Take me Home, Country Roads,' with intermittent sounds of Appalachia's mountains being blown apart by MTR explosives spliced into the song.

An activist climbed to the top of the EPA front door on Constitution Avenue and displayed a banner reading:

'Blowing up mountains for coal contaminates Appalachia's water, Stop MTR.'
AAEA opposes mountaintop removal. (CommonDreams.org, 7/12/2010)

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