সোমবার, নভেম্বর ০৭, ২০১১

White House Surrounded By Keystone XL Pipeline Protesters

Thousands gathered on Sunday to surround the White House to protest the Keystone XL pipeline proposal.


There are days along any journey that stick with you, and today was one of them.

Under blue Indian Summer skies, more than ten thousand people from every corner of the country descended on Washington; then, with great precision, they fanned out to ring the White House and take a stand against the Keystone pipeline.

Here are just a couple of pictures, and you can see lots more by clicking here.

What speaker after speaker today made clear (and they came from every part of our movement: indigenous leaders, labor organizers, environmentalists, young people, preachers) was that today was in no way a grand finale — there’s lots more work to do.

I have no idea how this battle is going come out — only that, together, we stand a chance to shut down this dirty pipeline and shift the flow not just of oil but of history. This day was an important part of that history, and we’ll carry it’s power with us as we take this fight forward.

Thanks in advance for all the work we’ll do together, shoulder-to-shoulder, on the road ahead.


Bill McKibben

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