শনিবার, জানুয়ারী ০৪, ২০১৪

AAEA Special Projects: Dr. George W. Sloan

Dr. George W. Sloan is the AAEA's Chairman for Special Projects. 

Update: Costa Concordia Salvage Plan Presented

Henry Kissinger, Doc Sloan, former French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing

Dr. Sloan has initiated projects for AAEA that have ranged from steel plant pollution remediation to helicopter tours.  His expertise has been a great asset to the Center over the past 15-years.  The Special Projects he brings to AAEA range from local projects to international programs.

Rudy Giuliani, Dr. George W. Sloan

Dr. Sloan's background ranges from advising presidents, governors, mayors and corporate America to civic and environmental groups.  "Doc," as he is called, is the power behind numerous projects, but he is not an attention seeker.  He promotes equity in energy projects and respects the balance between job creation and environmental protection. 

One particular project included arranging pollution remediation services for Avesta Sheffield steel plant just outside of Baltimore, Maryland.  The remediation was coupled with a proposed shipbreaking project that was to have included 'Welfare-To-Work' employees.  Doc also arranged for negotiations with the Steelworkers Union on the porject(s). Unfortunately, the steel plant closed without notice.  The photo below shows a tour of the plant for youth that Doc arranged.

AAEA youth tour of Avesta Sheffield Steel Plant outsite of Baltimore, Maryland

Dr. Sloan is currently formulating methologies to adequately monitor hydraulic fracturing sites, nuclear power plant sites and pipelines.


Dr. Sloan is Chairman of Special Projects for Compassion Creates Change He will be providing input into the Nigeria Project.
Compassion Creates Change Nigeria: Overview
Compassion Creates Change™ is extremely excited to announce the Badagry Project. The Badagry Project will leverage the collective strengths of its U.S. and Nigerian anchor partners, MissionsAid International (Lagos, Nigeria) and Hope Fellowship (Frisco, Texas), along with many other supporting churches, community development agencies, businesses partners, and contextual leadership to create change through the following development projects planned to commence in 2014:
  1.  Construction of a Multi-Use School, Church and Community Center
  2.  Construction of a Medical Clinic
  3.  Solar-power Based Electrification
  4.  Clean Water Projects
  5.  Medical Mission
  6.  Vocational Training
  7.  Compassionate Outreach
Badagry is an ancient port city, in Lagos State, Nigeria, with both a famous and infamous history. It is famous because the first Christian missionaries to Nigeria landed in Badagry and established a mission center, which grew and spread through West Africa. It is infamous, because it was the shipping center for over 500,000 African slaves during the European and American slave trades. The area has suffered with tremendous poverty for generations. The most severe human needs throughout the globe are too complex to solve in isolation; but, through collaboration, we can work together from our areas of strength to transform lives and build healthy communities. (Compassion Creates Change)

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