বৃহস্পতিবার, সেপ্টেম্বর ০৭, ২০০৬

Congressional Black Caucus Energy Forum

The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) held an energy Town Hall Meeting during the 36th Annual Legislative Conference. The event at the 2006 Legislative Weekend addressed energy independence. The CBC has held energy and environment braintrusts for the past 25 years and AAEA President Norris McDonald organized the first CBC energy forum for the late Congressman Mickey Leland, above right, in 1981. We miss you Mickey. You were a true legend and an irreplaceable leader in the Congressional Black Caucus.

The theme, ‘Changing Course, Confronting Crises, Continuing the Legacy,' focused on current energy challenges and opportunities facing American families and communities, including home heating needs, gasoline prices, and alternative energy strategies that must be implemented to reach the goal of energy independence. Panelists included former Secretary of Energy, Governor Bill Richardson; former Secretary of Energy and President of Fisk University, Hazel O’Leary; President of the Apollo Alliance and Chair of the National Wildlife Federation, Jerome Ringo; Former Congressman Joe Kennedy; and representatives from the American Association of Blacks in Energy. News personality Ed Gordon moderated.

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