মঙ্গলবার, সেপ্টেম্বর ২৬, ২০০৬

Global Warming Political Competition Heats Up

There is a lot of publicity coming from liberal Democrats and a lot of practical programs being implemented by conservative Republicans. Former President Bill Clinton is a Neo-glob and his Vice President is embracing the Ozone Man label. Former Vice President Al Gore has produced a book and a movie. President Clinton has the Global Initiative and Sir Richard Branson has pledged $3 billion for work on alternative energy. Laurie David produced an HBO special and even Spike Lee mentioned global warming in his documentary about New Orleans.

President Bush has the Methane-to-Markets, Asia Pacific Partnership and the Energy Policy Act of 2005 - - three of the most important climate change initiatives ever. Some are talking the talk and some are walking the walk.

Richard Branson has created Virgin Fuels, which will invest $400 million to develop nonpetroleum fuels. Branson has already invested $70 million in Cilion, a new California company that will build ethanol plants. AAEA Note: there is strong evidence that ethanol will increase smog. The Clinton Global Initiative has created The Green Fund, a profit-oriented entity that will focus on reducing dependence on fossil fuels, creating jobs, lessening pollution and helping to reduce global warming.

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