শুক্রবার, সেপ্টেম্বর ১২, ২০০৮

In Memoriam: Robert J. Knox

A Legend and Giant at EPA

Bob Knox was a friend and inspiration to AAEA as he was to many other institutions and people all over the country. It was always a pleasure to visit with Bob at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Bob made you feel welcome at EPA and he was always the consummate professional. He will be greatly missed by us and his unique insights and intelligence on behalf of the agency can never be replaced. Bob did not pursue the spotlight or even credit for his many accomplishments, but he was a dynamic force and a true hero. Again, we miss you Bob and we feel privileged to have known you.

Robert J. Knox was a founding Deputy Director and former Acting Director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Environmental Justice(OEJ). Mr. Knox was an engineer by training and he began his career in Region 4 as a manpower development specialist working on water related issues. He moved to Region 2 where he led manpower and training programs.

In the early 1980s he served as the Director of the Office of Civil Rights. Thereafter, he was the Hazardous Waste Ombudsman for OSWER. When the Office of Environmental Justice was formed in 1992, he served as the founding Deputy Office Director with Dr. Clarice Gaylord, then OEJ Director. Bob spent his last 12 years in EPA working on community engagement activities. Bob retired from EPA in December 2004. In his retirement, he began taking coursework toward a masters degree from Howard University's School of Divinity. He was also a former deacon at the Gethsemane Baptist Church.

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