মঙ্গলবার, সেপ্টেম্বর ১৬, ২০০৮

Muslims Reducing Carbon Footprint: Green Guide for Muslims

A green guide to help Muslim households reduce climate change has been published jointly by Lifemakers UK and the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES), with Muslim Hands, the Nottingham based charity meeting production costs. The booklet explains the impact of climate change using Islamic references and also explains why Muslims must do their bit for the environment.

The Green Guide is unique in that it is a simple, practical handbook that looks at different aspects of the Muslim household and suggests changes that can have a big impact on climate change. These include decisions about domestic food, water, laundry, heating, electricity, transport and recycling. At the end of the 20 page booklet is also a 'How green is my family' checklist that gives households something positive to aim towards. The booklet has been printed in time for Ramadan, the month in which Muslims are most reflective of their actions. For more information about the Green Guide please contact Raja on 07956 983 609 or Shaid on 0787 969 4540 or IFEES e-mail or visit the IFEES website.

Muslims comprise at least one fifth of the human community and they can contribute much to the thinking that is vital to re-evaluate the future direction of the human community and save its home for itself and other life forms. From tentative beginnings in the mid 1980's IFEES has established itself as perhaps the only internationally recognised body articulating the Islamic position on these matters and at the same time attempting to give practical manifestation to this. IFEES is a multi-dimensional organisation and its objectives include:

- Research and the dissemination of information
- Producing teaching materials, books and journals
- Training on practical and theoretical subjects
- The setting up of an experimental centre focusing on land use and organic farming and also the development of alternative technology.

IFEES networks world-wide with NGOs, international organisations, academic bodies and grass roots organisations and invites collaboration from organisations and individuals from all persuasions who are also dedicated to the maintenance of the Earth as a healthy habitat for future generations of humankind as well as other living beings.

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