শুক্রবার, এপ্রিল ১৭, ২০০৯

Hip Hop Caucus Initiates 'Green The Block' Campaign

Green the Block is the Hip Hop Caucus' campaign to address urban poverty and climate change, at the same time. Through grassroots activities and celebrity involvement we are working to create a strong green economy, locally and globally.

Climate change and poverty in the US and abroad acutely affect our communities and are causing environmental violence that is prematurely ending lives and opportunities for a better tomorrow. More than just planting a tree in the hood, Green the Block is about educating diverse communities on issues surrounding climate change and its relevance to their lives, engaging communities in the climate movement through policy and service, while introducing them to the Green Economy.

Pillars of Green the Block

Advocacy for a Green Economy:

We can end poverty and save our climate at the same time; that is, if we have legislation that connects the dots between what's good for our planet and what's good for low-income urban communities. Our MPACT Teams will advocate for legislation that pushes for a Green Economy and works to end poverty simultaneously.

We seek mandates that ensure communities stricken by cycles of poverty are in positions to benefit from green collar job opportunities and have available the necessary job training and job placement programs that will ensure sustainability of our environment while ending poverty.

We are currently organizing around the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES).

Green Jobs:

With a green economy there will be an influx of “green collar jobs” and our communities must be aware of these job opportunities and in positions to have the training and skill sets to take advantage of these opportunities.

Green the Block will place emphasis on “spreading the word” about green collar jobs and connecting our communities to job training and job placement programs. We will conduct a national “Green the Block Bus Tour,” townhall meetings, job fairs, and information sessions to engage our communities in the green movement.


Through targeted marketing campaigns and community service projects with a Hip Hop swagger, Green the Block promotes energy efficiency and community conservation.

Through our Opportunity Corps, we are engaging members of the community in conservation projects around their neighborhoods that build community and clean the environment.

The Hip Hop Caucus is also working on strategies that will help households conserve energy and keep money in family’s pockets.

Households + energy efficiency + education = Reduced green house gases, reduced energy bills, and healthier environment!

About Hip Hop Caucus

The Hip Hop Caucus Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan 501 (c) 3 which works to organize and engage the Hip Hop Generation, those born after 1964. Utilizing issue campaigns, events, voter registration and education, we work to ensure that the voices of the Hip Hop Generation are heard in the policymaking process.

The Hip Hop Caucus Institute was founded on September 11, 2004. Over a four year period, we have developed a 700,000 member national database, and created field teams in 48 cities across 30 states. A cursory overview of our past work includes three award-winning national campaigns – on Katrina, ending the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Getting out the Vote – and work in diverse coalitions in the climate and social movements.

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