বুধবার, এপ্রিল ০১, ২০০৯

Naomi Davis: Founder, Blacks In Green

Blacks In Green (BIG), based in Chicago, Illinois, is a community education and trade association working in the new green economy to help link, leverage, and lead health and wealth benefits to communities of color, both here in the United States and abroad. BIG is a network of individuals, non-profits, businesses, agencies, and coalitions--a global green practices collective--committed to robust African diaspora participation in the age of social, economic and environmental accountability and responsiblity.

While BIG's "green" initiatives span a plethora of sectors, their two key initiatives include the creation of BIG Villages and the Green Hubs in the 'Hood' Initiative. BIG Villages are naturally efficient incubators for applying the spectrum of green technologies while BIG Hubs are their natural epicenters for advocacy, training and partnerships for green collar jobs, careers and enterprise.

Naomi Davis, above left, is the founder and president of BIG. Ms. Davis is a Chicago attorney who consults with the Chicago Department of the Environment on climate change and recycling. She works on the new peer-reviewed journal Environmental Justice. She hosts (and produces) Chicago's first and only green-themed talk show on public access TV. Davis also runs a green economics consultancy called Daughter's Trust, and her long-term goal is to convert 1,000 blighted acres on the Far South Side into a mixed-income eco-development. (ChicagoMag.com, April 2008)

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