বৃহস্পতিবার, ফেব্রুয়ারী ২৫, ২০১০

Juliet Eilperin Finally Writes About a Black Environmentalist

Washington Post reporter Juliet Eilperin, left, finally recognized a black environmentalist (Van Jones) in an article in that newspaper. AAEA pointed out Ms. Eilperin's proclivity for avoiding recognition of the many blacks participating in the environmental movement. In our opinion, it was a vile example of biased journalism. We know she saw our commentary because when her name is Googled, our comments would be shown. Thank God for Google. It provides a way for long ignored groups such as ours to get our information out into the marketplace when gateskeepers such as Ms. Eilperin have kept us out.

Juliet Eilperin's evolution was not necessarily voluntary. She was compelled to quote President Obama on his environmental programs and when he appointed an African American woman to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Lisa Perez Jackson. Her brand of liberal elitism is reflected in the traditional environmental organizations that are still among the most segregated sectors in American society. They include blacks, just as long as they 'stay in their place.' In the green groups that is on the administrative staff. For the couple of blacks working policy, those places are primarily weatherization and outreach (EJ). There still aren't a handful of black policy professionals working at the green groups.

So we are delighted that Juliet Eilperin finally decided to write an article about a black environmentalist. Too bad Damu Smith died before she decided to bless a black environmentalist with her pen.

Juliet Eilperin Compelled To Quote A Black Environmentalist

Juliet Eilperin Continues Excluding Blacks When She Can

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