শনিবার, ডিসেম্বর ০৬, ২০০৮

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Green Jobs

One of the most important members of Congress for promoting green jobs, energy security and environmental protection is Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, right. She is a science and technology aficionado and serves on the appropriate committees and subcommittees to implement her vision. She sponsored the best Braintrust [on Science and Technology] during the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Legislative Conference (See Videos). Although soft spoken, this former businesswoman, psychotherapist/nurse is one of the most powerful members in the House of Representatives.

Congresswoman Johnson serves on the powerful Transportation and Infrastructure Commitee and is Chair of the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee. The jurisdiction of the subcommittee consists of matters relating to water resources development, conservation and management, water pollution control and water infrastructure, and hazardous waste cleanup [Full Description]. AAEA is recommending to President Obama and to Congresswoman Johnson to replace the Combined Sewer lines with separate wastewater and stormwater lines. Congresswoman Johnson will be invaluable in any green jobs infrastructure plan to accomplish this important mission. AAEA will also be promoting the replacement of old drinking water lines.

Congresswoman Johnson also serves on other very important subcommittees, including: Aviation and Railroads. She is also the third ranking member on the House Science Committee and serves on its Research and Science Education and Oversight and Investigation Subcommittees.

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