মঙ্গলবার, ডিসেম্বর ১৬, ২০০৮

Why Doesn't Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo Just Move On?

We asked former EPA International Activities Office employee Dr. Coleman-Adebayo long ago: Why don't you just move on from EPA? We have also heard this question from EPA employees. We found her answer to be compelling. She was fired by EPA last week but those who know Dr. Coleman-Adebayo also know that she is not going anywhere. Here is her response to the question:

"I deserve to be able to work productively at EPA in peace and without discrimination, harassment or retaliation just like anyone else."
There was no choice for us but to acknowledge the truth of this statement. There is also the component of justice. Dr. Coleman-Adebayo had a flourishing career in EPA's International Activities Office. She worked with former First Lady Hillary Clinton in coordinating EPA's participation in the Women's Conference in China. AAEA used to take her South Africa Gore/Mbeki delegation down the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers when they would meet in the United States. Unfortunately, her whistleblowing to protect Vanadium miners in South Africa led to a series of events [harassment, discrimination & retaliation] that ultimately led to her unjustified termination. A settlement offered by Christine Todd Whitman when she was EPA administrator did not get completed because Whitman resigned.

We continue to encourage Dr. Coleman-Adebayo to pursue her movie about the entire mess with Danny Glover (pictured with him at left). We also encourage Marsha to finish her book about this episode. We simply wish that the book, movie and Marsha's life could have a happy ending. In our opinion that would include a settlement from EPA [instead of ongoing litigation] and some sort of acknowledgement and retroactive justice from former EPA Administrator Carol Browner, who decided to fight Marsha instead of supporting her claims a decade ago. Hopefully Lisa Jackson will be confirmed as EPA administrator [AAEA supports the nomination] and will positively resolve this problem.

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