শুক্রবার, ডিসেম্বর ১৯, ২০০৮

National Black Chamber Challenges Mellon Bank of New York

December 18, 2008

Robert P. Kelly
Chairman & CEO
Bank of New York Mellon
1 Wall St.
New York, NY 10286

Re: Discrimination with Federal Business

Dear Chairman Kelly:

Your corporation has been designated the "master custodian firm" overseeing the US Treasury Department's $700+ billion bailout fund. We are deeply saddened that you will divert much of this business to India by utilizing your India subsidiary. It is a betrayal of America at a very critical and vulnerable time.

The Civil Rights Act of 1965 (Title VI and VII) forbids any business from discriminating in its business activity while contracting or doing business with the US federal government. We have reason to believe that your history may show a pattern of discrimination under both these titles. Thus, we are considering filing a formal complaint and possibly a lawsuit to have the above contractual arrangement annulled and your corporation banned from doing any other business with the federal government until you remedy the matter.

If Bank of New York Mellon has not discriminated we need to see documented information. We can go via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or you can quickly provide the information to us. Either way, we will obtain it. If you are willing please provide the following information for the last three years, 2006, 2007 and January - November, 2008:

Names, addresses and contract amounts for all Black owned American suppliers doing business with your firm.
Names, addresses and contract amounts for all Black owned American subcontractors doing business with your firm.
Names of all Black members of your Board of Directors and your Executive Committee.
Names, titles of all Black senior executives and managers working for your firm.
Numbers and percentages of the total for all other Black employees working for Bank of New York Mellon within the United States.

Please have a sense of urgency in supplying this information as the pain and damage afflicted on America through your possession of this contract may be critical to the future of this nation.

Thank you for your consideration.


Harry C. Alford

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